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Do you know how powerful you are? 

You know that you are intuitive.

Maybe people call you when you were thinking of them.

Maybe you keep seeing repeating numbers.

And maybe you have noticed Spirit trying to communicate with you in different ways - light flickers, feathers, dreams, etc.

But how can you hone your intuition so you know what Spirit is asking of you WITHOUT the confusion, self-doubt, or worse - energy attacks?

I know you've felt it - energy vampires using you for your good vibrations until you are drowning in their negativity. It's like the feelings you have aren't even your own sometimes, right?

And you want better for yourself!

More fun tapping into Spirit.

More ease at putting up gentle boundaries with difficult energy.

More understanding about the messages you receive.

You know how important it is to break out of any patterns that keep you from feeling the joy and fulfillment of using your spiritual gifts.

I have been there too. It took a while for me to learn that my ability to understand the emotional energy of others was a SUPERPOWER instead of a punishment. And eventually, I experienced the JOY of using my gifts to bring more goodness into the world - so incredibly satisfying. You can have that satisfaction too. You can have that clarity, confidence, and powerful connection with Spirit.

You owe it to yourself to find out JUST HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!

Trust me, it's not time to settle. It's time for a shift. YOUR GIFTS need to be shared!

Here’s the good news. The Universe isn’t going to let you experience the confusion and energy drain that goes along with misunderstanding your abilities much longer. You are FAR too loved to be overwhelmed by your sensitivity to energy forever.  

Once I honed my intuition, I began to settle into my purpose which, for me, included 

  • Opening my doors to people around the world as a Psychic Medium,
  • Enough confidence in my connection that I could teach Mediumship it to others, and
  • The ability to MASTER ENERGY in my own life to manifest a dream family life, career, and romance.

And if you have been given the desire for more, then the pathway exists for you to receive more. I want to repeat that - THE PATHWAY EXISTS to receiving everything you want in your life.

And it won’t be because a cookie cutter five-step plan that supposedly works for everyone (because that just doesn’t exist).

It will be because you clear out any subconscious limits, amp up your self love to super-power levels, and become a MASTER of intuitive energy! 

The ClairCoach Program is designed to help you get there.

No more will you have to endure

  • Confusing energies in the grocery line - Should I tell the lady on aisle 3 that her deceased brother has a message for her?

  • Being bullied by powerful energies of fear and negativity.

  • The guilt of not living up to your potential. 

  • I’ll tell you right now, the reason you won’t have to endure that is because you will such a consistently high vibration that you simply won’t allow yourself to go through that anymore. 

    You can continue to face this journey on your own, and I’ll admit, you’ll get there without me. Honestly. You don’t need me, and I totally believe in you. SO if you feel like you are making progress without asking for help from someone who KNOWS how to get you to a better place, then please, keep doing what you’re doing. 

    But odds are you are reading this far because you sense the dissatisfaction I’ve been talking about, and you are curious if I have anything that’s reasonably priced that can help you out of it. 

    I do.


    And you deserve help. AND a community of people who can support you through a confusing journey. 

    I am confident I know how to get you to where you’re going (because, hint: YOU know how to get where you are going, and I know how to help you find those inner answers).

    Don't make the Universe drag you kicking and screaming to the life of your dreams. 

    Finding your unique gifts and purpose doesn't have to be daunting. In fact you owe it to yourself to show up for the beautiful calling you have received. 

    I can get you there

    ClairCoach Program

    I'm Heather. 

    I'm an abstract artist, psychic medium, Reiki Master, Thetahealer, and the founder and creator of the ClairCoach Program.

    I was someone who was raised to ignore my own intuition as if tapping into my psychic ability would send me straight to hell. 


    I was really giving in to some limited cultural conditioning. And it meant that my whole life felt like it was living me instead of like I was in the driver's seat. I was powerless and depressed.

    Luckily the Universe had bigger plans, and after developing my own intuition, I was able to build a successful business as an Intuitive abstract artist offering Reiki sessions and Psychic Art sessions.

    A major side benefit of my alignment meant that I also began to have success in other areas of my life too!

    I was able to stay open to the nudgings of the Spirit of Divine Love. If not, I would have missed out on...

  • THE most fulfilling professional experience I'd ever had,

  • Being able WATCH people transform right in front of me,

  • And AUTHENTIC connections with inspirational cycle-breakers changing their world.

  • Here's what to expect when you become a part of ClairCoach:

    • You're crystal clear about your unique way of expressing your intuitive and spiritual abilities.

    • You are unified with Spirit and work in a way that enhances your life instead of draining you.

    • You feel confident using the tools that call to you most - tarot, crystals, anything!

    • You have a reliable process of how to raise your vibration at all times. 

    • You unapologetically show up with the skills that you have cultivated to stand in your power.

    "I know now how to tap into my Spirit Guides, how to receive messages from Spirit, and more about who I am and all my personal gifts. I'm so grateful for this course!"

    “Heather is a fantastic teacher and this course was informative and well-organized. Heather shared valuable education as well as helpful anecdotal experiences. I left feeling educated, deeply relaxed, and excited about integrating this modality into my practice in the future.”

    "I use my intuitive gifts with my clients now, and it creates more meaningful interactions! So not only am I more successful, but I'm also enjoying my career more than ever!"

    Your Program Curriculum

    Every module in this program is designed keeping in mind of a TOTAL Beginner. You will be learning from the basics of Energy healing and the laws of the Universe to become a MASTER OF ENERGY.

    Creating an Intuitive Framework

    Establishing Perspective

    Meet Your Spirit Guides

    Setting Boundaries with Spirit

    Creating a Sacred Space

    Energy Protection Rituals

    Reiki Attunement

    Psychic Downloads

    Develop Your Spiritual Practice

    Clair Attunements

    Self Validation Tools

    Dream Work

    Moon Work

    Sacred Tools

    Vibration Isolation

    Resistance Clearing

    Allowing Your Dream Life

    Receiving Messages

    Reading Auras

    Career Mindset

    Client Work 

    Reciprocating Value

    Financial Upgrade Clearings

    Click Here If You're Ready!

    Developing your UNIQUE intuitive skills, calling in your SOUL-PURPOSE, and deepening your energy practice will bring more authentic FULFILLMENT to your life.

    This is not a learn-by-yourself program. I will be helping you learn, grow and practice with LIVE group session every week.

    LIVE Coaching Sessions

    I'll be LIVE with you every week to support you each step of the way to teach the content and answer your questions along the journey, not to mention regular dialogue throughout the week as different energy blocks come up.

    Community of Similar Minded Intuitives

    You will get access to a highly helpful and similar-minded community of intuitives on your journey, who can encourage you in your process!

    Guest Speakers

    You will not just learn from my experience but also get to ask your doubts and listen to the other experts in my circle.

    The best part is you will learn to validate your SELF more than anyone else can! 

    Click to Join the ClairCoach Membership Today!

    “Not only have I become more accepting of my intuitive gifts, but I was able to open the business of my dreams because of what I learned in the ClairCoach program!”

    Here's What You'll Receive with ClairCoach Membership Program

  • Online Training Course

  • Weekly Online Group Intuitive Development Meetings

  • Psychic Mediumship Attunements and Downloads

  • Energy Healing

  • Ancestral clearings 

  • General Energy Readings / Tarot Card pulls 

  • Regular DM Support 

  • Chakra alignments 

  • Spiritual Support Library (Psychic Topics Explained like using crystals, pendulums, tarot cards, spirit guides, etc.)

  • Supportive and Encouraging Community 

  • And MUCH MORE!

  • Heading


    Weekly Group Session AND Online Course

    $222 for 1 month program starting next new moon May 19th!  

    Click to Join the ClairCoach Membership Today!

    Imagine waking up every day feeling empowered to embrace your soul mission!

    Becoming a Certified ClairCoach

    Developing your UNIQUE intuitive skills, calling in your SOUL-CLIENTS, and deepening your energy practice will bring more authentic FULFILLMENT to your life.

    © 2021 ClairCoach.com

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